Quality craftsmanship–the fabrication of a bluetooth speaker.
This project was undertaken as part of a Yale undergraduate course on product design and entrepreneurship in the Center for Engineering Innovation and Design entitled Making It. It was completed in 2019.
While the speaker was designed and perfected by Dr. J. Zinter, the course instructor, the project was intended to cover the process of creation from CAD model to finished product.
First, the course engaged SolidWorks modeling to allow each student to personalize their speaker and visualize the final product.
To create the parts on which the speaker components would fit, a computer numerical control (CNC) router was used as well as a laser and water-jet cutters.
Then, woodworking machine shop tools were used to perfect the outer casing of the speaker. These steps emphasized craftsmanship and prioritized results that would be visually appealing as well as properly sized and fitted. To perfect our boards, we used electric sanders, jointers, planers, and saws as well as hand sanding edges for a smooth product.
The speaker component, power input, LED lights, and BlueTooth components were all soldered by hand to the circuit board.